The ECS Regulates Critical Bodily Functions! 

We all know that our body self-regulates, for example we sleep when we are tired (or try to). This is just an example of our body seeking homeostasis, the state that all biological systems are continuously striving towards to stay within optimal levels (i.e. equilibrium). The human body’s built-in ability to balance itself is what keeps things like blood sugar and body temperature just right. Transmitter systems within our body are also not a new thing, one example is the sympathetic nervous system responsible for our fight-or-flight response. 

In 1992 scientists discovered the human Endocannabinoid System (or ECS), an internal system critical for almost every aspect of our moment-to-moment functioning.  The human ECS is a vast internal biological system made up of chemical signals (endocannabinoids, being cannabinoids produced by our bodies) and cell receptors densely packed throughout our brains and bodies. Together these help regulate and maintain homeostasis (or balance) within your body.  

The ECS regulates Critical Bodily functions! 

We all know that our body self-regulates, for example we sleep when we are tired (or try to). This is just an example of our body seeking homeostasis, the state that all biological systems are continuously striving towards to stay within optimal levels (i.e. equilibrium). The human body’s built-in ability to balance itself is what keeps things like blood sugar and body temperature just right. Transmitter systems within our body are also not a new thing, one example is the sympathetic nervous system responsible for our fight-or-flight response. 

In 1992 scientists discovered the human Endocannabinoid System (or ECS), an internal system critical for almost every aspect of our moment-to-moment functioning.  The human ECS is a vast internal biological system made up of chemical signals (endocannabinoids, being cannabinoids produced by our bodies) and cell receptors densely packed throughout our brains and bodies. Together these help regulate and maintain homeostasis (or balance) within your body.  

Harvard Health reports that “the ECS regulates and controls many of our most critical bodily functions such as learning and memory, emotional processing, sleep, temperature control, pain control, inflammatory and immune responses, and eating.”

So how does this system work?

Endocannabinoids (human-made) and phytocannabinoids (plant-made) such as CBD bind to the cell receptors in your ECS and match up like a lock & key. When this happens, it is believed that they stimulate the cell receptor signaling that the ECS needs to take action.  

What might this ‘action’ look like?

Well that depends on what needs correction in your body.  It could be a reduction in pain and/or inflammation, a sense of calmness, improved sleep, improved memory, and a host of other responses.

As mentioned, CBD is a phytocannabinoid, meaning that it is a cannabinoid found in plants.  CBD is very similar to two body-made cannabinoids called Anandamide and 2-AG.  When your body doesn’t produce enough of these neurotransmitter molecules, your ECS will not operate at an optimum level. Scientific research, clinical trials and anecdotal evidence suggests that topping up our naturally occurring human-made cannabinoids with plant-made cannabinoids (such as CBD) will activate your cellular communication network which in turn leads to improvement in our critical bodily functions.

This understanding of our ECS and the relationship with CBD is being increasingly acknowledged world-wide as a natural remedy for many of the conditions our body struggles with on a daily basis.

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